Instagram copy tips to increase traffic

Instagram copy tips

You already know the importance of social media in your business marketing strategies. You are also aware of the relevance of creating quality content. That’s to say, to attract the attention of new consumers. But with the copy as a support in the loyalty of your customers in networks. So far, we have talked about what you should avoid and that your followers will appreciate it. Now we will give way to some Instagram copy tips that will increase traffic. That is because a regular posting frequency is not enough to get visitors to your profile. Quality must always be present in what we say and how we express it.


One of the constants in the development of advertising on Instagram is the use of photos. Also, graphic designs and videos. Especially in this network that concentrates much of its success on its visual offer. But, the evolution of this and other social networks it’s highly mediated by the use of words. For example, the text is becoming important through captions in stories and reels.


Of course, with a good image, you can attract the attention of new and frequent followers. But that image without well-written reinforcement may only refer to visual appeal. As digital marketing and content creation expert Laia Cardona* explains:

“The text is the place where you can explain that image. Also, get your followers to take action you are looking for. For example, make your photo viral with a witty joke”.


Some Instagram copy tips that will
increase traffic to your corporate profile

Don’t think that “a picture is worth a thousand words” will always make sense. Instagram usage to increase engagement, it’s not advisable to leave your photos alone. Also, keep in mind that the best content is the one that you and your audience would like to read. And don’t forget that it should educate, inform and excite.

Instagram copy tips

Instagram copy tips we share, generate reciprocity through an image, and careful writing. That is, you can create emotional responses in your followers. You should also provide a good dose of persuasion with some calls to action. In other words, invite customers to buy or ask about products or services. Let’s get started:


1. Let the words flow: one of the Instagram copy tips you should start with

That is one of the most complex Instagram copy tips. Firstly, the image serves to inspire the audience. Secondly, the text is the information that complements it. In other words, those who love the pics will look for more dates in the text. Make sure the text is about the image. This way, followers will have a better experience and will see what you offer.


However, on Instagram, you should avoid long texts. Therefore, a coherent, descriptive, and to-the-point text is enough. Also, don’t forget to include links in your profile bio. In that way, you can attract clicks and drive traffic to your website.


2. Your Instagram captions should start conversations

The texts that go with the images in your Instagram post should not be a one-off affair. So, they should not remain there because their purpose is to generate engagement, for example, with likes and comments. Then you must ensure that the caption gets people talking. You can do this by asking questions, posing challenges, or proposing debates. Besides, talking about a current topic. This way, you will enrich the copywriting and even generate the results you want.

3. Use hashtags as a tool to support your copy

Besides allowing the association of your posts with brands, hashtags help more views. They also benefit organically from another brand’s paid reach. Additionally, they enrich your writing. Why? Because they relate it to other topics that complement it. Keep these types of Instagram copy tips in mind. And that because it’s a great help in increasing traffic to your networks.


4. Your copy should be attractive

Starting the copy with a question related to the image is an effective way to attract your followers. It also allows you to capture a potential audience. Yet, when posing the questions, you should keep the following in mind:

  • You should know the answer beforehand
  • Make sure that the answers to these questions are either yes or no
  • Write the questions in a positive way


Finally, make sure that the questions are basics. So, you don’t need to be existential. You have to encourage your audience to answer so that they don’t feel conflicted about answering them.


5. Take advantage of the copy to promote yourself on other social networks

It is also known as “cross-promotion.” And consists of using captions to promote your other accounts on social networks. This way audience knows how to find you on other networks. As a result, your followers will expand. For instance, when your clients go to YouTube to see the benefits of your products. Or they go to Facebook to get more information before making a buy.


6. Tap into the power of the story behind the image. It’s one of the most important Instragram copy tips

One of the best Instagram copy tips is this. Because the ideal is that behind every image, there is a story that highlights your brand. In other words, it is more than necessary to give context to your audience. And why? Because each caption should add value to the image, for example, providing a clearer idea of what is happening.


Likewise, when the image has followers’ support in any way, they become part of that story. So, if you can complement pictures with some powerful descriptions, do it. As a result, you will feed the imagination of your Instagram followers. Also, they will better understand what you are promoting to them.


If you have more Instagram copy tips that will increase traffic to your profile, share them with us. Read this same article in Spanish by clicking here.


Link in Spanish*

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