Why do I Need Content in Spanish?

Content in Spanish

One of the services of our company, We Will Figure It Out, is the creation of content in Spanish. Although we also do it in English as part of our goal of “getting your message to the audience through content marketing and social media.” However, we will focus on the strategic importance of content spoken and written in Spanish.

That’s why we think that every entrepreneur in the United States should create content in Spanish for their website. Although most of the content you find on the Internet is in English, this is still a barrier. That is to say, while bilingualism has made considerable progress, English is still a barrier to entry for much of the Hispanic community. 

Nevertheless, this goes beyond the mastery of a second language. It is also associated with the writing of content in Spanish related to the customs of a heterogeneous Hispanic community. In short, it is not a unit because of the marked differences. Specially in each of the countries of the Hispanic immigrants that continue to arrive in our country.

In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the importance of Spanish content. We will see why it is so relevant to your business’s digital marketing strategy. And why it is a strategic aspect to connecting with your followers on social networks. 

Content in Spanish is essential in your digital marketing strategy

This fact will encourage you to create content in Spanish as a decisive part of your digital marketing strategy. It comes from the Pew Research Center’s reports on the proportion of Latinos who consume Spanish-language publications. First, the Pew Research Center provides information on issues, attitudes, and trends that characterize the United States and the world. Based on this, they revealed that “Americans not only use Spanish but consider the language a vital part of their lives and their identities, including their lives as consumers.” 

Another issue they discovered is that the Hispanic community values when Spanish is spoken and written well. That is, they are not satisfied with simple Spanish-English online translations. In other words, they require native Spanish messages that reflect their culture. They also want speakers who have Spanish as their first language to transmit them.

On the other hand, as noted earlier, the Pew study confirmed that each Hispanic community is a different market. As a result, these markets use Spanish differently. For example, the Spanish-speaking market changes dramatically from one city to another. It is evident in some Miami, Texas, New York, and California areas, where nearly 90 percent of Latinos speak Spanish at home. Other places with sizable Spanish-speaking populations, such as Atlanta, North and South Carolina, have Spanish-speaking rates close to 80 percent. 

So, you as an entrepreneur should not ignore these percentages. It’s time to create content in Spanish-language for those markets now.

Designing Spanish content for a growing community

It may seem ironic, but the number of Spanish-speaking Latinos in the United States is growing. So, it means that of the nearly 57 million Latinos in our country, more than 80 percent use Spanish online. The Pew reports also note that “82 percent of bilingual Latinos think brands should use both English and Spanish when approaching potential customers.”

But what does this mean for your business? It means that the Spanish language is increasingly present in everyday life and business. It also shows that if you want to push your products or services to these communities, you have to create content in Spanish. For that reason, translating both your website content and your promotional materials into Spanish will allow you to access the big Hispanic market in the USA. You will even be able to impact foreign markets with countries that have Spanish as their native language. 

Moreover, if a business wants a competitive advantage, it should start by having a bilingual website. Likewise, it should apply Spanish content to landing pages and online advertising campaigns. Consequently, this represents excellent opportunities to attract a growing demographic and connect with them over time. After all, it’s all about reaching as many people as possible, but with quality content.

Here we insist that simply translating what you publish about what you offer is not enough. Creating content in Spanish is not unrelated to the objective of any outreach campaign. That is to say, what you must achieve is that when users enter your website or social networks, they share your content. Most importantly, we talk about approaches and the added value that must be present in the translation and the publication of informative and advertising material.

Creating Hispanic-speaking content is a matter of focus

It is also necessary to tune with the culture and how each community handled the Spanish. Nor do we need to become sociologists who analyze in-depth the complexities of each population. But it is necessary to be aware of certain generalities when offering your products or services online, especially in Spanish. 

On another note, this is not about adopting a template or model that has worked in English. It is a matter of approaches and also discovers that the translation will only make sense if what you are selling can be adapted to a larger market. Therefore, you have to look for ways to increase the participation rate in your publications. That is, with comments, likes, sharing your content, and thus creating a community.

In conclusion, content in Spanish is the gateway to improving both your value proposition and what you offer. In addition, it is the opportunity to reach more and more users with the possibility of increasing your sales and becoming a reference in your digital ecosystem. 

Read this same article in Spanish here.