Does marketing for Hispanic customers increase traffic, loyalty, and sales? Of course, it does. There are more than 40 million Spanish speakers in the United States. So, strategy planners should consider an approach to this target. That is to say, based on the culture and traditions of this population. Therefore, your business needs to develop a plan related to the products of this culture. Above all, this applies to all brands, not those coming from your countries.
You need to know more about what motivates customers to consume Hispanic products. But it is not about products and services that need to speak their language. See why.
Marketing for Hispanic customers
needs to explore their habits
A large segment of the Hispanic community accesses web content in English. But no a lesser part of the Hispanics seeks information in their language. That is businesses looking to make a difference. And attract new clients must take into account where they want to place their content. Therefore we recommend the following strategies before planning marketing for Hispanic customers:
- Hispanics are consumers of services and products that do not correspond to their hometowns. At least not in a direct way.
- Hispanics consume 10% more in telecommunications than the rest of the residents (legal or not) in the American Union.
- 64% of Hispanics and Latinos in the USA have a subscription to a mobile phone.
- This population invests an average of USD 67 per month, with USD 36 for local calls and USD $ 31 for long-distance calls.
However, Latino behavior is not just about living in the USA to earn money and send it home to their family. Also, those who have already resolved their immigration status can develop businesses. Like Beth Worthy, president of GMR Transcription Services, Inc., says:
The Hispanics form a large percentage of the USA population. Therefore, understanding how to market to this group is vital for every business that wants to increase its customer base.
Let’s take a look at the products and services most consumed by Hispanics in the United States. It will give you clues on how to approach your plan for marketing for Hispanic customers.
Marketing for Hispanic customers: understanding your insight
The Hispanic community in the USA not only captivates the mass media. But also companies as corporate banks. Many Hispanic banks with a presence in the USA orient their services to the entertainment sectors. The following are the ones that capture the highest percentage and excel in these areas:
1. Consumption:
- Hot spicy
- Tortillas
- Chili-based sweets
- Refreshments
2. Entertainment
- Soap operas
- Listen to music online
Another important aspect is the order given to the relevance of buy products as:
- Treats
- Soft drinks
- Toys
- Snacks
Marketing for Hispanic customers has to achieve a consistent approach to this population. For example, there are many ways like technology and through mobile devices. In other words, it’s crucial conquering this market using different platforms and apps. Besides, we have to consider some points to have adequate access to the Hispanic market:
- Bilingual Opinion Leader or Influencer.
- Bilingual marketing consultant of Latino origin and resident in the United States.
- Marketing Agency, with experience in the USA Hispanic markets.
- Advocacy through employees of Latino or non-Latino Spanish-speaking descent.
- Events.
The strategy is to identify the more convenient opportunities for your business. What are you waiting for this?
Greater consistency with marketing for Hispanic customers
The new generations of Hispanics in the USA consume and produce more digital content. Incredibly, they are outperforming much of America’s youth in this regard. That’s where your marketing efforts have to direct its strategies. See that, for example, these young Latinos (or “hispennials” as we will see later). They are preparing to fill the vacancies of new job opportunities. They are even becoming relevant influencers. And all because of this notorious interest in social media. And brands are already taking notice of them.
So marketing for Hispanic customers plans characterized by consistency should cover:
- The ages and sectors in which Latinos are entering the job market the most.
- A study of consumption habits.
- How their purchasing power is evolving, and the impact on your business.
- Their behavior towards news and entertainment content. Both in English and Spanish.
- Their family relationships. That is, how the prioritization of their families influences their household expenses.
- Campaigns increase engagement in social networks.
- A better approach to their roots. All based on their native countries.
- And from the previous point, it’s important to avoid generalizations. Because leading an Argentinean is not the same as reaching a Colombian or a Mexican. Nor is it a question of a detailed work of demography. Only to avoid putting them all in the same group as much as possible.
- That little by little, they are settling outside the big urban centers.
- The exposure to American brands and lifestyles offers.
- Generational differences.
“Hispennials”, a target for Marketing for Hispanic customers
The USA Hispanic millennials are better known as “Hispennials. And they are a big challenge in marketing to Latin customers. To clarify, Hispennials are the most dynamic consumer group in the United States. They are emerging as the most valuable segment in the USA. We can identify them because they fall in the 20-37 age range and are in the crosshairs of marketing plans.
According to Mark Lopez, director of Global Migration and Demographics at the Pew Research Center in Washington, their influence on the USA economy is growing rapidly.” And these 15 million people mostly have greater purchasing power than their parents. They also top college admissions rates. They are even one of the most representative forces in entering the job market. Also, their encouragement to start businesses. “They believe more in the American dream than the rest of Americans. That is, in the sense of the value of hard work and social mobility between generations,” concludes Lopez.
Marketing for Hispanic customers strategies, in this case, Hispennials, have much to consider. For example, shopping habits (conventional and online) and trying new products. Likewise, Hispennials is the target audience that drives development in industries such as:
- Real estate.
- Food.
- Retail.
- Transportation.
- Other sectors of the economy such as media, entertainment, and finance.
Besides, their incursion into the job market has boosted their purchasing power. So, this is your golden opportunity to capture their attention. Go for it!
Hispanics have the power to transform the USA economy
A marketing for Hispanic customers has something clear. And it keeps in mind that young Hispanics are the key to the economy. An example of this is the real estate sector. For this sector of the local economy, Hispanics are fundamental. Because they are buying more properties than the rest of young Americans because they prefer to rent.
The National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NHREP) has its statement. They affirm the young Latinos lead the home purchase for the last seven years. Besides, it’s so common that for a large part of Latinos, family is a priority. It is certified by Gary Acosta, executive director of NHREP. In statements to BBC Mundo.
Other opinions reflect the position of NHREP’s directors. For instance, Patty Arvielo, founder and president of New American Funding, comments. She maintains that “Hispennials will drive economic growth in the United States.” This assertion is supported by that many of these are marrying between the ages of 25 and 27. Also, they want to have more children. Thus their spending levels speed up. Hence, they want to be more entrepreneurial.
Besides, their consumption is diversifying and increasing. So much so that more companies are devising plans to reach this market. Even though it’s emerging, it’s growing steadily. And pay attention: 6 out of 10 Hispanics are under 35 years of age. I hope you are taking note of this, my friend reader! It is where you should focus on a good part of your product or service offerings.
Hispanics say they use social networks to
stay connected with friends and family
Nearly 64 percent of Hispanics use social media to stay in touch with friends, co-workers, and family. More importantly, the most popular social networking platforms among USA Hispanics are:
- Facebook (78%)
- YouTube (71%)
- Instagram (65%)
- Snapchat (43%)
- Whatsapp (41%)
- Pinterest (36%)
- Twitter (34%)
What these percentages are showing you is that you need to understand how social media speaks to Latinos. In terms of marketing for Hispanic customers, you must consider the variety of cultural patterns in each region. According to CNN, “the most active of all ethnic groups on social networking sites are Hispanic adults, at 72%.” CNN also notes that while “Hispanic” is the most referenced identity on social media, the word “Latino” it’s more mentioned on Twitter. There are many reasons for this, one of which is that Latinos are becoming more prominent in television shows, magazines, and professional sports.”
Another statement that supports what CNN said is Neilson’s 2016 report. This one points out that about 10% of the total viewers of NFL TV games are Hispanic. That is, this results in more tweets posted about Latinos. In addition, the word “Latino” is also one of the most searched words on Google in the last ten years. Neilson concludes that the traditions they preserve are part of activities such as music and other events that interest the Latino population.
In other words, social networks help strengthen emotional ties in the Hispanic/Latino culture. By the way, how is your corporate social media work going?
The difference between the Hispanic and Latino customer
There are many interpretations of how to define Hispanic vs. Latino. We can distinguish that “Hispanic” refers to language and Latino refers to a place. So, Hispanics are those who have a Spanish origin, including Spain. But, people from Brazil are also considered Latinos. Besides, Hispanics and Latinos are often assumed to be similar. Although, they do not mean the same thing.
In the RAE dictionary, Latino means “as the speaker of a language derived from Latin.” But in the United States, the word has an identity value that distances it from this meaning. Including its relationship with what they know as “Hispanic.” It has been because of a socio-historical change that Latinos in the USA have undergone for 50 years.
For example, in the early 1970s. The USA Census Bureau established the classification of “Hispanic.” And its goal was to include all those who spoke Spanish. But that meaning, which became popularized as “Hispanic,” soon had a negative connotation. And all because of its association with the time of the conquest. So, what became more appropriate was to use the word “Latino” because it refers to someone from Latin America.
And how does this help us in our marketing for Hispanic customers? Well, besides what we saw before about not putting all Latinos in the same group. It’s also valuable information for market research. That is to say, to keep in mind what we mentioned about their customs and classic dates. We will expand on this later. I hope that everything is clear to you so far.
Understand as much as you can about your potential customers
It’s no secret that for most Americans, “a Latino is Hispanic and a Hispanic is a Latino.” However, as Beth Worthy explains, that’s not true. We already saw that a Hispanic could be anyone who speaks Spanish. Meanwhile, Latino is a person who comes from any Latin American country. But what Worthy wants to emphasize is how important it is to be clear about this. And it is relevant because it shows how broad the Hispanic audience can be, especially if we are working with online marketing.
Please, don’t leave out those who are in pursuit of their social claims! See why. Since 2014 the Latino community goes through a kind of internal revolution. It’s for the defense and recognition of their LGTBIQ rights. That is how the words “Latinx” and “Latinex” have begun to spread. They adopted “to flee from binary categories and be more inclusive.” That was what Ed Morales, author of the book Latinx: The New Force in American Politics and Culture, puts it.
The researcher asserts that this is a rejection between heterosexuals and gays. “The Latinx is the first racial and ethnic group that is claiming its rights. It is something that comes out of the tradition and culture of Latin America,” Morales affirms. And based on this, your company or business must connect with the Latinex generation. In other words, go beyond stereotypes. And show them a more authentic image without sexist questioning. So be open-minded and, as far as possible, free of prejudices and stereotypes.
Marketing for Hispanic customers, a now or never alternative
We are in the midst of the sustainable growth of the Hispanic community in the USA. As a result, you should not falter in your marketing strategies. You have already seen how they are increasing their purchasing power. Besides, they occupy relevant political and social positions. It’s also clear that you should not group them lightly because your message will not reach them as it should. Also, you have learned about their preferences and prominence in the labor market. Additionally, their close relationship with social networks. So what’s left are final thoughts for your marketing for Hispanic customers strategy.
Moreover, we maintain that marketing for Hispanic customers is a matter of now or never. And that’s because we take into account the following:
- Current advertising budgets don’t account for Hispanic influence. I’s your venture’s opportunity to capture those customers. Because so many brands don’t consider it. Much more than you already recognize its power to transform the U.S. economy.t
- More potential Hispanic customers are looking for ads that connect with their culture. They even believe that there should be advertising designed for them.
- Have you noticed that, at the end of every article, we always invite you to read it in English as well? That is the practice of bilingual skills that will help you communicate in both languages, especially with that Hispanic customer base. According to the 2020 Hispanic Digital Fact Pack, they prefer content in English. They also consume bilingual content across almost all media and platforms. “66% take note of bilingual ad campaigns because they reflect their own experience. 71% have no preference for the language of digital ads. As long as they match the language of the surrounding content.”
It’s a matter of tact, timing, and connection to your environment
Don’t overlook the incredible contribution of the 2020 Hispanic Digital Pack report. This report shows you the unparalleled opportunity its data collection represents, for instance, for businesses targeting the Hispanic market. Besides, marketing to Hispanic customers has to keep in mind knowledge and strategic thinking. This way, you can succeed and build loyalty with your new and traditional customers.
In conclusion, both Hispanic and Latino consumers need a unique marketing strategy. You have to take into account their attention to social networks linked to their roots. You also can’t forget the sectors of the economy in which they are becoming more relevant. Also, look at how they relate to the American lifestyle. How they appropriate and reinterpret it. Take your time and focus on activities related to their tastes, needs, and aspirations. As Lionbridge states:
“It’s important to be aware of not only who you are targeting, but also how you choose to reference them. Not all Spanish-speaking people are Latino, and not all Latinos are Hispanic”.
(Taken from “10 Best Practices for Marketing to Hispanic Consumers”, Jun 2019)
Are you looking for ideas for best practices for marketing for Hispanic customers? Want to share some we may have missed? Give us a call today! Last but not least, don’t forget to visit our blog section. That’s to say if you want to read more about strategic digital marketing practices. Practice your bilingual skills and read this article in Spanish by clicking here.